Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Supplement

       Hey everyone, I just started taking HMB! Studies have shown that HMB works to increase lean mass and strength, and at a dosage of 3 g per day, HMB helps decrease muscle damage after hard workouts and even helps increase endurance! This will be a great supplement for someone like me who works out at a high intensity daily and needs that extra help to repair muscles. 

Thank you Team HMB for sending me your product to try. I will keep everyone posted with my experience with HMB.

Believe in YOU

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

21 already?

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! I can not believe I am already 21! Time really does fly by in the blink of an eye. That is why you have to live life to the fullest right?
 For my b-day I had a day of fun with my sister and mother :) we ate lunch on the beach, went to an aquarium, and thanks to them had a lovely spa treatment massage and facial :) and then of course we went to a bar and I had my first drink at 21. I wish I could have been with my whole family but I know it's hard to get everyone over here from 3000 miles away.

Whiskey Sour: first drink of the night

Mom and Jess enjoying the fish haha

So on the flip sideeee after all this moving across the country and finding an apartment and job, it's been really hectic and I have not been on my set workout program and diet, which I just started back up this week! I have gained about 3 pounds since January 27th (and they are not good lbs), so now it is time to get back in my groove, lose some body fat and get YOKED!

Believe in YOU!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Training IS My Addiction!!!

Just got back from the gym :D
I did a nice HIIT cardio session on the elliptical and then did some good leg exercises to loosen up my muscles for my leg workout tomorrow (if i get the chance to workout).
I strongly believe that working out is my addiction, I get a high off of it, on a scale of 1-10 after my workout I am at a 15 for think I would be tired after working for 7 hours.
I am so excited to see my mother and sister tonight! Too bad the weather sucks right now, but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny just in time for my birthday!
I can officially drink tonight (or this morning ;) ) at 12! I plan on having a birthday cake shot yuumm!
Does anyone listen to a song they love over and over? I have an issue with doing that and I feel like my neighbors get really annoyed if they can hear. Right now my song is "The Show Goes On" by Lupe Fiasco and also Niki Minaj and Lil Wayne "the Knockout"

"They treat you like a slave 
Put chains all on your soul and put whips up on your back 
They be lyin' through they teeth, hope you slip up off your path 
I don't switch up, I just laugh, put my kicks up on they desk 
Unaffected by they threats, then get busy on they ass" - Lupe Fiasco

Believe in YOU

Thursday, February 17, 2011

High off life!

In such a good mood right now! I feel like I'm high off lifeeee! I had my first day of work as a personal trainer at Gold's Gym and I absolutely love it :) I met some very awesome new people! My mother and sister are coming to visit on Saturday, they are staying for the weekend :) And then I turn 21 on Sunday!! Bah! everything is moving so fast, I can not believe I am already turning 21, I feel like it was a couple months ago that I was saying "ugh I still have 3 more years till I turn 21" and now it's in a couple of days!
The best part of personal training is that I get to train people, then workout and tan for free- everything I love to do! Today I worked out my chest and back, the gym was absolutely packeddd and it was hard to get supersets in!
And to top today off, my website will be up and ready for Saturday which I will be offering online personal training! I will keep everyone updated when it's ready :D
Anyone that is reading my blog, please follow me so I have more followers! (so I don't feel like such a loser writing everyday :P

Live, Laugh, Love your body, and most importantly Believe in YOU! You only live one life, live it how you want, enjoy it and go after your dreams. At the end of the day all we have is who we are.

Here's a pic from my apartment view for those that have been asking!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's!

I've never been too big into Valentine's Day because why should you celebrate your love for someone only one day a year? It should be celebrated every day! Enjoy today and reach out to others that really need some lovin'.
I worked out my legs early early this morning and then had another interview today for personal training. I will be going out to eat and Ne-Yo concert with a good friend later! Should be lots of fun :)
<3 <3 <3 <3

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hey everyone! I finally got internet in my new apartment that I just moved into the other day! So I can write in my blog again :)
Today I am going to the gym with my friend! I can not waittt, I feel like I haven't been to the gym in forever with all this running around yikes! I am also back on my diet! So for breakfast I had 6 egg whites with broccoli and a cup of oatmeal :)
I've been running around like my head has been chopped off -interview after interview to get a job out here!

Off to the gym!
Believe in you~~~
Leah :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

B-e-a-utiful Day

Today was absolutely gorgeous out! It was not too productive but it was very relaxing. I bought a few things for my new apartment :) and then went to the Grove with Amber and Jessica. We saw the Roommate ahhhh creepy movie! Tomorrow I am finally moving in and doing some major grocery shopping, because I will be starting back up on my strict diet! which means I will be having a cheat meal tonight- frozen yogurt ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ab workout

"Hey Leah your abs are totally amazing what do u recommend for a good workout for mens abs"- Jeff Bourque

Here's a great ab workout Jeff!

After warming up and stretching!
Do 3 sets of 15 decline bench leg raises
Then do 3 sets of 30 second Russian twists with 30 seconds of rest between each
Then do 3 sets of 15 Swiss Ball crunches (exaggerating the decline position so you really feel the stretch!)
Then end with 3 sets of 1 minute planks! 
This ab workout is intense if you do it correctly! Remember to stretch after the workout also! :)

"To live doesn't mean your alive"

        On my way to my new apartment to put down the payments...everything sunk in that I am actually doing it and that I am officially moving to L.A. the place I have wanted to live my whole life. Driving in the car there, Niki Minaj's song "Moment for Life" came on. Goosebumps rose on my arms because I could identify with everything she said. "I believe that life is a prize, but to live doesn't mean your alive," I believe that everyone should live by this, many people go about their lives thinking that doing the "norms" is what they have to do even if it doesn't make them happy. Everyone should live by doing what makes them feel alive, living their passions, and doing what makes them grow as a person instead of living in the same position not going forward.
       "Shout out to the haters, sorry that you couldn't faze me." Another great part of the song...No one should let others stop them or make them feel like they can't do something they want to go after, or to be the person they want to be. And honestly I do wish I could have "this moment for life" because the journey forward means everything, it's an adrenalin rush to me. And after I get to where I want, I will set more goals for me to achieve to keep me going forward and growing into a better Leah :)

Mountain Climbers!

If you are looking for a great ab workout that will make you sweat and tighten your stomach, try mountain climbers! Do 4 sets of one minute mountain climbers and you will be feeling the burn! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One step closer!

Hey Everyone!
Today was an amazingggg day! I woke up and searched for apartments with a friend of mine. The first two apartments were not so nice, but the 3rd apartment I checked out was a perfect fit for me! I can start moving in tomorrow! After we looked at apartments we went to the beach and had lunch, then checked out the pier and watched very interesting entertainment performers.
Later when I got back I went for a 4 mile run with my friends...a great way to end a great day!!
Tonight's dinner: 6 oz. lean turkey burger with fat free thousand island dressing YUM!

Leah :D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Live, Laugh, and Love Your Body: Living my passion and following my dreams

Live, Laugh, and Love Your Body: Living my passion and following my dreams: " So everyone from back home thinks I'm just a little crazy for dropping everything and moving across the cou..."

Living my passion and following my dreams

        So everyone from back home thinks I'm just a little crazy for dropping everything and moving across the country from Boston to L.A. in just half a day! I initially came here for a photoshoot, but as soon as I got a small taste of L.A. life and fell in love I decided it was the perfect chance to just move here for good. I want to live my life knowing that I have always gone after my passions and to believe that whatever I want is attainable. There are a lot of people out there that will always say you can not do things, but I found that believing in yourself (and God for me) can bring you a long way and it helps me push through the rough times.
         Since I've moved here everything has been so hectic I could barely get a workout in! I also forgot my sneakers at home :( luckily I have the best mother in the world and she sent them to me overnight! <3
Yesterday I went for a nice long jog (because I was sooo excited I got my sneaks!) and scoped out the city. I stopped down at La Brea tar pits! Very interesting! I thought it was just a pond but it ended up being a tar pit! Never knew that existed! If you know know that I am easily amused :P
Today I went to Bally total fitness and worked out my biceps and triceps! And did a nice good ol' ab routine :)))) I will be looking for an apartment tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Here's a pic from my first shoot in L.A! Thought it would be good to post with all the palm trees around it!

Beach in Santa Barbara! I am very happy to be out of the New England Snow! 

Well that's about it for now! Keeping you posted!
Leah :)