Saturday, March 19, 2011

It has been far too long!

wowza it has already been three weeks since i have posted my last blog. its crazy how fast time flys by here. well things have been going great, i have been personal training more than ever, im getting back into excellent shape, and hopefully soon enough start modeling again. yesterday i experienced runyon canyon it was absolutely amazing. the climb was steep but it was sooo worth it when we reached the top and looked down at all of los angeles, i would not mind climbing that mountain everyday for the rest of my life just to see the site and get a great workout in at the same time. i would recommend that hike to anyone!
since i have been cutting down my calories i have noticed that with HMB my muscles have not been shrinking like they would usually do when i cut! I wtill keep everyone updated with my results as I progress.
btw forgive me for bad punction my computer recently crashed so i am typing everything from my phone :x !

Believe in YOU!
Leah :)

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