Saturday, March 19, 2011

todays plyo workout

Hey everyone so here is the plyometric workout I did earlier today:

I started off with a six minute warmup on the treadmill. I alternated between speed 7 and 10 every other minute. Then I performed some dynamic stretches to get my body ready for the quick plyometric movements.
Using a 2 foot box, I started in a squat postion and jumped up onto the box and then backwards off the box (while staying low and trying to stay in the same starting squat position) for 12 jumps.
then I did sprinted high knees for about 25 meters there and back and then jumped right into a bosu ball plank.
I performed this circuit three times with about a two minute break between each.
For the next circuit I used the same box and did jumping step ups on and off the box (when doing this I started with one foot on the box and jumped up in the air getting as much height as possible and then switched feet before landing)
then i went right into 24 lunges (12 there and12 back) and then finished that set with 60 seconds of mountain climbers. Once again I performed this circuit three times and then had a two minute break.
For the last ciruit I started off with 20 steps up on the free motion machine with resistance. You can uae the box and just use weight but I prefer the free motion machine. After doing 20 on each leg (for speed) I ran right over to the laying leg curl machine and did 15 leg curls slowly. The last exercise in this ciruit was decline bench sit ups and I did 20. After doing that ciruit 2 more times I was done and Exhausted!
Believe in YOU

It has been far too long!

wowza it has already been three weeks since i have posted my last blog. its crazy how fast time flys by here. well things have been going great, i have been personal training more than ever, im getting back into excellent shape, and hopefully soon enough start modeling again. yesterday i experienced runyon canyon it was absolutely amazing. the climb was steep but it was sooo worth it when we reached the top and looked down at all of los angeles, i would not mind climbing that mountain everyday for the rest of my life just to see the site and get a great workout in at the same time. i would recommend that hike to anyone!
since i have been cutting down my calories i have noticed that with HMB my muscles have not been shrinking like they would usually do when i cut! I wtill keep everyone updated with my results as I progress.
btw forgive me for bad punction my computer recently crashed so i am typing everything from my phone :x !

Believe in YOU!
Leah :)